How to get your products sold online

Good products and a business like attitude are essential

We are always looking for new products to sell. However they have to be high quality products and they have to have a high-quality organization behind them. The term ‘organization’ here is kind of a funny term because it can mean one person.  If it is just one person that one person must be able to organize their suppliers, their manufacturing operation and their shipping and delivery operation.

We used to sell a Jack Rabbit drill and drive set. The inventor thought the world needed a better drill and driver combination. He invented one, refinanced his house to have a minimum order built and then set out to sell them.

We took it up and we were actually doing well selling them.  Then one day we called to place an order and he said he didn’t think he would sell us any more.  He had some left and he thought if he sold them directly then he could pay off his mortgage and get out of it.  Then he added that if he had more retailers like us it would’ve worked out really well.  So he finally gets one good retailer and decides to quit.

He required us to buy a lot of accessories when we bought full kits because he had overbought on accessories. This left us with a couple hundred dollars worth of accessories that we can’t sell because we cannot offer the full kits. If we do put the accessories up for sale all we get are people calling asking about the full kits.

On the other hand we have a new product called Super Scraper. This is sold to us by a guy who really does know what he’s doing. He has been doing it for several years. He is actually a customer of ours because he buys our advanced grade of carbide called Super C.

It cost us a couple of thousand dollars up front to introduce a new product.  We buy an initial inventory, we write marketing and advertising (It is amazing how many people want us to sell a product and they can’t tell us what makes their product special.), we do promotions and spend a lot of staff time on it.

Part of what we do with brand-new products is give some all away so we have actual testimonials from actual people who got them from us and we know exactly how good they are.

We are always looking for new products and we would be really happy to help you.

However that old saw about ‘the better mousetrap’ is only half true. If you build a better mousetrap the world will not beat a path to your door without marketing and advertising.

800 346-8274


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