Braze Alloy

Carbide Braze Failure Due To Machining Of the Steel Holder

The Machining of the Steel Holders caused the braze joint to fail.  Below is an analysis of what happened. This project was the brazing of a rectangular blank into a steel holder for use as a scraper.  The carbide was … Continue…

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Braze Analysis

Here is a braze analysis on some carbide tips that we received from Southland Tool. The tips were not staying on the saw blades, and were not pretinning.   We treated the tips and they now pretin nicely. In the … Continue…

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Solving Brazing Problems

We often get a lot of questions about brazing problems and why a braze joint failed.  Here are a few inquiries that were posted on a forum about brazing problems and some general questions about brazing. “1 We have often … Continue…

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Brazing Steel

This was originally a question from a forum.  It was a good question, and I thought some of you may benefit from the information. Forum question:  I am brazing machined 01 tool steel parts together, and/or tool steel parts to 302/316 stainless Steel parts. I … Continue…

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Dissolving Braze Alloy with Acid

Dissolving braze alloys with acid is very dangerous and must be done with extreme caution. Note: I have a lot of chemistry in both high school and college.  I have a chemistry lab at work with a dedicated fume hood. … Continue…

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Torch brazing with Braze Alloy to fill in Gaps

Filling Gaps with Braze Alloy and a Torch In this the beholder was machined in such a manner that it left a radius in the corner of the notch.  This means that the carbide cannot be seated completely against both the … Continue…

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Differences in Braze Alloys

Effects Of Different Braze Alloys In the late 1980s the government really cracked down on cadmium in braze alloy.  The Bag-3 braze alloy had been the standard.  The industry switched to a 50% silver braze alloy without cadmium and immediately … Continue…

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Braze alloy and what it does…

What Does Braze Alloy Do?  The immediate topic is brazing tungsten carbide to steel specifically for use in tools such as saw blades, router bits, etc.   Bonding Properties 30 years ago I was taught that braze alloy was sort … Continue…

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Bandsaw (Band Saw) Blade Brazing

There are 6 basic steps to brazing a band saw blade.  Clean and bevel the blade ends. Clamp blade ends to the fixture. Spread the flux. Braze. Anneal Remove excess alloy.   1.  Size of blade With a very small, … Continue…

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Braze Alloy-common types and forms

Most Common Braze Alloys and their Forms     BAg – 3 Braze Alloy         50% with Cadmium    1170° F           1270° F           1500° F           BAg-3 braze alloy is the standard brazing material for Carbide tools.  Cadmium is a great health danger and is … Continue…

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