Saw Blades
Ripped and Torn Shoulders on Saw Blades- Part 2
In our last blog about Ripped and Torn Shoulders on a saw blade, we introduced the problem and gave some insight from some very knowledgeable saw filers on why the problem with ripped and torn shoulders may have been ocurring. … Continue…
Tags: automatic brazer machine, Brazing
How To Achieve Faster Cutting Rates
A woodworker asked a very good question regarding whether using a saw blade with fewer teeth would achieve faster cutting rates. Here is his question along with Tom’s response: “Will a saw blade 30″ dia, x 42 teeth carbide tipped, … Continue…
Tags: Cutting Rates, Feed Speed, saw blades, Saw Teeth
Ripped and Torn Shoulders on Saw Blades- part 1
Solving problems with Ripped and Torn Shoulders on saw blades. Note: the information presented here is all presented in good faith by people with a great deal of experience in their area. However sawmills and sawing situations vary widely. Do … Continue…
Tags: Brazing, ripped shoulders, saw blades, saw plate
Determining Saw Blade Quality from Chip Size
How tools form chips during the cutting process is usually of more importance to the Toolmaker / designer than to the woodworker. Woodworkers most often simply check sawdust and chip size visually as a gauge of tool performance, and that … Continue…
Tags: chip size, cutting tools, tool performance
Free Tool Give-Away!!!
SawMill Creek is hosting a Free Stuff Give-Away to celebrate their 10th year being online. We have been members and contributors for for many years, and are very happy for them for reaching this great milestone. We have donated … Continue…
Tags: Custom Saw Blades, free tools, Whiteside, Woodpecker
Are more teeth on a Saw Blade Better?
The rule of thumb is that a saw blade with more teeth means a smoother cut and fewer teeth means a faster cut. There are other things that affect the cut quality and the feed speed, like how fast you … Continue…
Tags: saw blade, smooth cut, tooth count
The All Important First Cut
There are very few universal rules in the world. One rule that comes pretty close is that you should always take it slow and easy when making the first cut in any material using any tool. The importance of this rule … Continue…
Why you Should Only use Saw Blade the way they were intended
Saw Blades were designed to cut forward. Running them backwards can put you and others around you at risk. The first problem with running a saw blade backwards is that saw blades are designed to cut forward and a great deal of … Continue…
Tags: saw blades