Saw Blades
Running Saw Blades Backwards
This was in response to a customer’s question about running a saw blades backwards. Comment: I have been having an argument with several people regarding cutting aluminum on a table saw with the saw blade reversed so that the back … Continue…
Tags: saw blades
Bandsaw (Band Saw) Blade Brazing
There are 6 basic steps to brazing a band saw blade. Clean and bevel the blade ends. Clamp blade ends to the fixture. Spread the flux. Braze. Anneal Remove excess alloy. 1. Size of blade With a very small, … Continue…
Tags: band saw blades, Braze alloy, brazing flux
What Do You Get In A Quality Tool?
The question “What do you get in a quality tool” came up on a forum today. Somebody needed a new endmill and was looking at two different endmills. One end mill was higher quality, but cost four times the amount of … Continue…
Tags: quality tools, Tenryu, Vortex, Whiteside, Wiha
Interesting fact about particle board
An interesting fact to keep in mind when cutting man made materials is the difference in the material depending on it’s origin. A great deal of man-made material is made of wood fiber, sawdust, etc. glued together. That binder or glue very often … Continue…
Carbide Tip Wear
Traditionally a machining operation ran the hardest carbide grade it could in order to get the longest tool life. If the grade started chipping or breaking then the operation backed off into a tougher grade. A tougher grade meant larger … Continue…
Cleaning saw blades
There are thousands of grades of carbide, so discussing the properties of carbide is like discussing the properties of wood. Some grades of carbide may have certain properties that are not present in other grades of carbide. This is why there … Continue…
Tags: carbide grades, grades of carbide
Silky Saws are here!
We are happy to announce that we have just added a new line of hand saws… Silky Saws! We pride ourselves on the fact that we only sell tools on our site that the boss himself either owns or really … Continue…
Popcorn Carbide
Popcorn carbide- this was a really neat affect caused by a great amount of heat over an unknown period of time (but I’d guess it to be a fairly long time). This piece of carbide was actually once a carbide tip that fell of … Continue…
Tags: carbide tip
Carbide Grades
The C designations for grades of Carbide was developed by the US Army and Buick during WWII. The original concept was to rate tungsten carbide according to the job it could do. If you had a specific job or application … Continue…
Tags: carbide grades, carbide tips, saw tips
Saw Blade for Cutting Plywood
You often get better results with plywood when you use tools, such as saw blades and router bits, designed especially for plywood rather than tools deigned for wood. In the industrial world plywood is often considered as being highly … Continue…
Tags: cutting plywood, plywood, plywood cutting saw blade, saw blade for cutting plywood