How to Use a Refractometer
Refractometer Problem
We have a refractometer at our shop. I have calibrated it with water. It doesn’t seem to be giving a reading on a coolant i am testing it with. The scale reads from 0-20%. I figure it should read something on this coolant but it doesn’t. The coolant came from a cut-off unit that runs a white milky semi synthetic liquid.
Refractometers deal with refracted light. (Think of a beam bending.) What you have is diffused light. Think of a beam spreading out.
Refractometers work on clear liquids. You are trying to look through a fog.
You cannot use a refractometer on all coolants.
Contact your coolant supplier and ask them.
Mix up a brand new batch of coolant to specifications and see what that reads. If it reads at all it gives you a half assed starting point.
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Tags: machine coolants, refractometer
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