And the SOG Knife Winners Are….
The Free SOG Knife or Multi-Tool contest is officially over! We had a huge response to the free give-away, and we received helpful feedback on our newest line. If you didn’t know about it, check out our blog to read up on … Continue…
Tags: fixed blade knives, hunting knives, SOG, tactical knives
Win a Free SOG Knife!!
Contest ends May 13, 2014 Well it’s finally here, your chance to win a FREE SOG Knife!!!! We are running a contest and giving you the chance to win your favorite SOG Knife. Contest starts May 13, 2014 and ends … Continue…
Tags: folding knife, free knife, hunting knives, pocket knife, SOG, tactical knives
The evolution of the pocket knife
We have recently added SOG knives to our online store, and we LOVE them! The addition of SOG knives and the innovative changes in just the SOG product line have made me realize how far knives have come! Folding Knives have … Continue…
Tags: Flash II, folding knives, multi tools, pocket knives, SOG, sog knives, Twitch II
PSSSST…SOG Knives coming soon!!!
Guess who is now offering award-winning, innovative knives for hunting, combat, outdoor, and everyday use? You guessed right, Carbide Processors! SOG Knives are known for their outstanding quality, workmanship, and attention to detail. You simply won’t find a better quality knife used by the … Continue…
Tags: folding knive, knives, SOG, tactical knife