ISKA and Sawfiler Meeting Information
Below is a list of the times and places for several of the upcoming ISKA and Sawfiler Meetings. If there is one going on in your area, we strongly recommend you go.
These meetings are very informative and it’s a great chance to meet people who are very knowledgeable and have a lot of experience in their industry. This is truly a great resource for discovering new ways to do things or sharing the way you do things. You never know what kind of great idea or new thing you can learn at these meetings unless you attend.
ISKA – International Saw & Knife Association
March 1 – Nashville, TN
Contact Steve Bergerson
805 216 9565
High Intensity Grinding Course
March 6-8, 2013; Columbus, Ohio; hosted by Diamond Innovations
LEOFSA – Lake Erie and Ontario sawyers and Filers Assocaition
March 15 & 16, 2013
Saint Marys, PA
Lodging: The Best Western
1002 Earth Rd – St Marys, PA 15857
(814) 834-0000
Meeting and Meals:
Gunners Restaurant
33 S. Saint Marys St. – St Marys, PA 15857 (814) 834-2161
Our tours will include Straub Brewery at 12:30 pm Friday and the Domtar paper plant in Johnsonburg at 2:30 pm.
Our venue for our meeting (NOT OUR MOTEL) is Gunner’s Restaurant in downtown Saint Marys, which also has a proud heritage and is well known for its fine food and located near “the diamond.”
Speakers at the meeting on Saturday will range in topics from small band mills, sales/procurement to tie production, as well as a workshop on shapers and swages!
Reminder- hotel reservations need to be in by Feb. 15th. We’ve reserved twenty rooms at the Best Western in Saint Marys at a cost of $105 + tax – mention
SSFEA – Southern Saw Filers’ Education Association Convention
April 19 – 20, 2013
Riverwalk Hotel & Suites Conference Center – 1046 Warrenton Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Reservations: 601-634-0100 for more information and forms to download.
Please print and fill out the necessary paperwork and mail, email or fax it back to me as soon as possible at:
ATTN: Debra Smith, Sec/Treasurer
P.O. Box 510
Garrison, TX 75946
Fax: 936-254-3975
Debbie Hughes at
High Intensity Grinding Course
March 6-8, 2013; Columbus, Ohio; hosted by Diamond Innovations
CWSFEA – California Western Saw Filers Eductaional Association
June 21 & 22, 2013.
Holiday Inn & Convention Center.
1900 Hilltop Drive
Redding, CA. 96002
High Intensity Grinding Course
July 23-25, 2013; Goshen, New York; hosted by Blaser Swisslube
AWFS – American Woodworking & Finishing Show
July 24 – 27 – Las Vegas, NV
WSFEA – Western Saw Filers Educational Association
September 13th and 14th
Monarch Hotel – Clackamas, OR
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