Stellite Information
Napoleon Hill wrote a book called Think and Grow Rich many decades ago where he stressed the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.
One of my right people has been Louw De Jong of Stoody Deloro Stellite©. These are the actual Stellite©.
Stellite© is a pretty cool material. The only real problem I have with it is that I sell tungsten carbide for tipping saws. Stellite© also sells material for tipping saws so it is a competitor.
This makes Louw DeJong of the Stoody DeLoro Stellite© a competitor of mine. Unfortunately Louw is the worst kind of competitor. He is intelligent, hard-working, absolutely honest and a genuinely nice guy. How are you getting to compete with that?
Many, many years ago Louw and I were at a meeting of the Wood Machining Institute. I had spoken in one of Louw’s technical guys had spoken. It was time for lunch and I gathered up about six or eight guys who were customers or potential customers and was going to buy them lunch. Louw was standing there sort of by himself so I invited him as well.
Next thing I know Louw made some sort of a deal with the busboy or the waiter and Louw had the check. That’s a kind of guy Louw is.
Anyway if you should have any question at all about Stellite© I suggest you contact Louw. He is been there for decades, knows a great deal and is more than happy to find someone who knows the answer if he doesn’t.
Louw De Jong
Stoody Deloro Stellite©
604 463-2140
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