The Difference Between Non-Sparking Tools and Insulated Tools

Both insulated and spark resistant tools are tools created to protect you from a harmful environment, but they’re also very different.  When working with electricity you generally want to shut off all power to what you’re working on, but that isn’t always an option. In these cases you want to make sure your tools are designed to protect you from shocks.

There are also situations in which you might be working in a highly flammable environment (like The View.  Oh! I’m sorry that was a terrible joke.  More likely you’re working around flammable gasses or liquids like fuels or other chemicals).  In that case you want to make sure your tools don’t create a spark.

The major difference is material.  What are the tools made of? Insulated tools are commonly made of steel alloys, like most quality tools, but are insulated with some kind of polymer, rubber, or plastic that keeps your hand from the charge.

For instance our insulated tools from Wiha are an excellent example of tough, safe electrical tools.

These specific tools are insulated against shocks from 1,000 to 10,000 volts, but they may still cause a spark.  It is very important to know what you need for the situation.

Non-sparking tools are made from brass, bronze, or copper alloys.  Of course the common problem with these metals is they are soft and don’t hold up as well.  It’s important not to use a different tool simply because it has a longer shelf life.  It’s always best not to settle when it comes to safety.

Non-sparking tools

Insulated Tools

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2 Responses to “The Difference Between Non-Sparking Tools and Insulated Tools”

  1. iqbal says:

    hi, i need price list, and what country you aer

    • admin says:

      Hi There,

      Thank you for your interest in our Wiha tools. You can go to this link to find everything you need. We are located in the United States. Feel free to email me any further questions you may have


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