The Leslie Rose affect
This term describes the effect that occurs when someone assesses an employee’s performance. It especially occurs when someone assesses the employee’s performance who has no idea what the employee actually does.
Many years ago I had an office manager name Leslie Rose. She came in, got things straightened out, got to know the customers and after a while things were running beautifully. I really appreciated what she was doing.
It was a while after that that I found myself thinking that Leslie had a pretty sweet job. She got everything done without working very hard at all.
Then Leslie Rose took an afternoon off to go to the dentist. Remember, I was under the impression that she did not work very hard so I did not see any problem in letting her have the afternoon off.
I got most of Leslie’s work done that afternoon. She usually left at four with everything done. I left at 6:30 with a big stack of notes about things I needed to finish the next day.
The point of this is that Leslie Rose had a demanding job but she was extremely good so she made it look easy.
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