SystiMatic Saw Blades: Discontinued with Limited Inventory Discounts

Earlier this year, we were unfortunately notified that Simonds International chose to discontinue SystiMatic.  After we received notification, we made the decision to completely remove all SystiMatic products and images from our website.  We had debated on this for a couple of weeks before doing it because we knew that there was inventory that we could have access to but it was not going to be updated frequently and we would never know what was on hand at any given moment. For simplicity’s sake, which decided it would be best to eliminate everything from our store.

We have recently received a lot of inquiries into SystiMatic saw blades from customers who have previously purchased SystiMatic from us and would like to replenish their orders.  I guess it is just that time to re-stock on saw blades or people are just hearing about the unfortunate news of SystiMatic’s discontinuation.

Since we have seen an increase in demand and a lot of people calling in a panic because they just found out that the saw blades they need are no longer available, we made a decision to help out the best that we can. We recently acquired an inventory list from one of the saw shops we work with on custom blades. This shop has access to the remaining inventory of SystiMatic blades and is willing to work with us to sell them to customers that need them as long as they have them. They are showing stock levels for aluminum saw blades, miter saw blades, dado blades, trim saws and more. So, if you are finding yourself in a bind over SystiMatic’s departure, here is how we can help:


  1. As mentioned in the headline, quantities are limited and they may change daily. However, if you contact us with the part number that you need we will gladly check the current inventory levels for you.
  2. If they do not have the blade you need or want in stock, we sell two other saw blade lines: Tenryu and Popular Tools and we can find the best equivalent for your needs. Both manufacture high quality saw blades and they do vary from one another so if one product line doesn’t have the best saw blade for you we can always check the other.
  3. If you cannot get by with a near-exact saw blade and need to have the specifications 100% matched, we can always get a quote for you for a custom blade. Our custom saw blades are Cermet II blades and have a much longer life span.

It is definitely important to note that Simonds International is offering special discounts on all SystiMatic saw blades until they are all gone! We have received several inquiries this last week alone. For one customer, they needed to stock up on the saw blades, only to find that we no longer had them on our website. I told them that they were unfortunately discontinued but I can check to see if they may still have stock on that blade.  I checked and sure enough, the customer got lucky because they had 24 left in stock. They only needed 3 but ended up purchasing 10 since they will be around no longer.  These blades were normally around $160 and they are now around $80; so there are some great discounts to take advantage of if stock is still available.

To check stock or to find out how we can find the best replacement blade for you, contact us via phone (1-800-346-8274), email ( or catch us on live chat during office hours (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM PST).  And, if you are checking stock, the sooner you call us to check stock for you, the higher a chance you have of snatching up the last of the SystiMatic blades.

Renee, Ecommerce Manager

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2 Responses to “SystiMatic Saw Blades: Discontinued with Limited Inventory Discounts”

  1. Mark A. Koenig says:

    I am looking to purchase a Systimatic super fine dado. *” 5/8″ arbor. Have any?

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