How To Buy A Good Saw Blade – Labeling

How To Buy A Good Saw Blade – Labeling

When you buy a good saw blade it is, almost by definition, a saw blade designed to be resharpened.

One of the many problems that sharpeners have is knowing exactly how to resharpen the saw blade, especially one they did not sell in the first place.

The picture is a picture of the engraving on one of our new, Popular Tools saw blades.  The picture is a little blurry because I left the oil coat on the blade.

Sharpening information on a saw blade

Sharpening information on a saw blade

We added Popular Tools to our product line when SystiMatic shutdown.

These popular tools saw blades are extremely well made with a huge attention to detail. The engraving is just one small aspect of that. However the engraving on the saw blade tells the sharpener exactly what the saw blade is which means he knows exactly how to restore the angles.

This doesn’t sound like that much of a problem until you realize that a lot of saw blades are pretty heavily worn before they go in for sharpening. The difference between a 15° angle and a 10° angle can sometimes make a big difference in performance.

In a perfect world the saw sharpener should be able to go by the model number and name on the saw blade but there are an awful lot of saw blades out there with an awful lot a different model numbers. Sometimes different manufacturers use the same model numbers. There is even one manufacture that uses the same model number for different saw blades. They have different manufacturing plants and the different plants use some of the same model numbers to describe different saw blades.

In any case, having this much information engraved on the saw blade is a huge benefit to the sharpener which means it’s a very desirable thing to look for when you purchase a saw blade.

800 346-8274

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One Response to “How To Buy A Good Saw Blade – Labeling”

  1. John McCullough says:

    Thanks Tom,
    My address is
    15008 17th Drive NE
    Arlington, WA

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