Brazing Temperatures

Testing Steel Saw Plate

Testing Steel Condition You can get an excellent idea the condition of the steel after brazing by the color of the steel. There are two other ways of easily and simply telling the condition of the steel.     The … Continue…

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Ripped and Torn Shoulders on a Saw Blade- Part 3

In our last blog, Ripped and Torn Shoulders  on a saw blade- Part 2, we introduced the problem and gave some insight from some very knowledgeable saw filers on why the problem with ripped and torn shoulders may have been … Continue…

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Ripped and Torn Shoulders on Saw Blades- Part 2

In our last blog about Ripped and Torn Shoulders on a saw blade, we introduced the problem and gave some insight from some very knowledgeable saw filers on why the problem with ripped and torn shoulders may have been ocurring.   … Continue…

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Ripped and Torn Shoulders on Saw Blades- part 1

Solving problems with Ripped and Torn Shoulders on saw blades. Note: the information presented here is all presented in good faith by people with a great deal of experience in their area. However sawmills and sawing situations vary widely. Do … Continue…

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Brazing and Soldering- The Difference is Crucial

Technically soldering is done at lower temperatures and brazing is done at high-temperatures. The separation point is usually about 800°F. A braze joint can be somewhere between 10 and 100 times as strong as a solder joint.  There is silver … Continue…

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Solving Brazing Problems

We often get a lot of questions about brazing problems and why a braze joint failed.  Here are a few inquiries that were posted on a forum about brazing problems and some general questions about brazing. “1 We have often … Continue…

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Brazing Steel

This was originally a question from a forum.  It was a good question, and I thought some of you may benefit from the information. Forum question:  I am brazing machined 01 tool steel parts together, and/or tool steel parts to 302/316 stainless Steel parts. I … Continue…

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Differences Between Welding and Brazing

Brazing Isn’t Welding; Brazing Requires Much Better Cleaning Brazing is regulated by the American welding society AWS which is about as good a place as any to put it.  However there are differences. Brazing requires a much higher standard of cleanliness … Continue…

Popcorn Carbide

Popcorn carbide- this was a really neat affect caused by a great amount of heat over an unknown period of time (but I’d guess it to be a fairly long time).  This piece of carbide was actually once a carbide tip that fell of … Continue…


Braze Alloy-common types and forms

Most Common Braze Alloys and their Forms     BAg – 3 Braze Alloy         50% with Cadmium    1170° F           1270° F           1500° F           BAg-3 braze alloy is the standard brazing material for Carbide tools.  Cadmium is a great health danger and is … Continue…

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