
Brazing Steel to Steel- Wetting and Penetration Issues

A gentleman posted on Practical Machinist looking for brazing information on his failed attempts at brazing steel-to-steel and get “away from messy stick welding”.  Using 56% silver and Harris paste flux with 1100-1700 working degree temperature, he was using a … Continue…

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Brazing Flux- New SMART Flux

SMART Flux: new, advanced, cleaner and a great price. The new SMART Flux an environmentally conscious flux that has color changing technology. SMART Flux is boric acid free which complies with the new EU Community REACH regulations on hazardous chemicals. The absence of boric … Continue…

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Brazing and Soldering- The Difference is Crucial

Technically soldering is done at lower temperatures and brazing is done at high-temperatures. The separation point is usually about 800°F. A braze joint can be somewhere between 10 and 100 times as strong as a solder joint.  There is silver … Continue…

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Brazing Steel

This was originally a question from a forum.  It was a good question, and I thought some of you may benefit from the information. Forum question:  I am brazing machined 01 tool steel parts together, and/or tool steel parts to 302/316 stainless Steel parts. I … Continue…

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Bandsaw (Band Saw) Blade Brazing

There are 6 basic steps to brazing a band saw blade.  Clean and bevel the blade ends. Clamp blade ends to the fixture. Spread the flux. Braze. Anneal Remove excess alloy.   1.  Size of blade With a very small, … Continue…

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Differences Between Welding and Brazing

Brazing Isn’t Welding; Brazing Requires Much Better Cleaning Brazing is regulated by the American welding society AWS which is about as good a place as any to put it.  However there are differences. Brazing requires a much higher standard of cleanliness … Continue…

Types of brazing flux

Changing the type of brazing flux you use can yield different results in the brazed parts.  There are 3 types of flux we will talk about: White flux, black flux, and purified flux.  Black flux tends to be more forgiving … Continue…

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Solving Brazing Problems-part 2

There are many things that can cause brazing problems to occur.  In the first part of this series, Solving Brazing Problems, we discussed how cleaning the steel before brazing and cleaning the saw tips can have a great effect on … Continue…

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MEGA Flux- New and improved brazing flux

What is flux and why use flux: Flux is used for aiding in the brazing process.   One of the main things that can cause a weak joint in brazing is impurities like particles, oils, dirt, or oxidation at the joint.  … Continue…

Brazing or Silver Soldering Strength

Best braze alloys (silver solders) and flux for best tool strength Continue…

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